Left: Portrait of Michael, Silver Gelatin Print, 12X12" Right: Visualizing Melinda, Single Channel RGBD Video, 2.46 min. Synchronous portraits flanking the entrance below.

Wolfe Gallery main gallery space facing south.
Double Exposure: Photography from the Margins of the Frame featured the recent work of Melinda and Michael Arrigo, an artist couple who explore photography from two very different perspectives. Melinda, a traditionally trained street photographer, investigates the contemporary expressive potential of historic technologies such as medium format Rolleiflex, high speed black and white 35mm, large format pinhole cameras, and traditional developing techniques in the wet lab. Michael comes to photography informed by video installation, conceptual art and social media. Although their two bodies of work frame the technological spectrum, both center their practice on the tipping point where personal narrative becomes social revelation, exploring the core issues of representation and mediation raised by photography in its many forms.

Left: Slap and Tickle Right: Entrance to Siren's Song

Quotidian (Redux Wolfe) 230 QR code hang tags that link to images from the year-long social media project, Evidently
Photographs by Melinda Wagner Arrigo installed on the west wall of the main galley space.